argument w/ myself over conspiracies

3 years ago

noticed an overzealous amt of planes lately
always that chance that i am just paranoid
maybe this means nothing and i'm just crazy
more fun to look further into things
you gotta be real boring to just accept whatever's in front of you
no questions, just blind acceptance
maybe my life would be easier if i wasn't like this but so be it
you're gonna wish that you were nuts
yawl gonna be real jealous of yours truly
asking the questions that the plebs aren't willing to ask
planes fly in the motherfucking sky
does everything have to be a conspiracy
this outcome is a lot more likely tho
the nutjob in me i suppose
there's an underlying reason for this inquiry
good that i pay attention last min
maybe i'm just telling myself that so i feel better (this is always a very strong possibility and i really wish that people had this level of awareness)

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