easily excited aside from sex hahaha

3 years ago

i love that actually what i just did there
that coulda been in an actual film
easily amused and even more easily abused
easily entertained/enthralled
also wearing a lotta extra clothes
3pairs of socks, 2pairs leggings, sweatpants, 2tankstops, long sleeve shirt, uncle hotep sweatshirt, plus wookie coat, gloves, and winter hat, that's a lot man
i remember this get-up from yesteryear
walking in the snow, to/from school in naperville
snow suit that is what it was
pretty intense just to go to school but everybody did it tho
accustomed to the weather
can't do nothin when you don't know nothin
always attributing life lessons to current events, weather, or ag's personal life
it's all there to teach ya but alotta people don't wanna learn nothin
101 dalmations
this used to be practically every day for me but this world just keeps getting worse and worse
saw the evidence long before i saw it
stupidity of human beings difficult to challenge or deny
eliminating meat...we will just see i guess
putting plant-based shit in everythang (soy boiz here we come)
just lettin yawl know what's ahead
i wish they'd let me tell em how to live
i know you know what i mean vortex
wishing for this law is wrong
better for everyone BUT violation of liberty
this is what it means to be principled
disagreeing w/ yoself here
unethical is wrong no matter what
back where we started...check out my footprints
still excited, damnit

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