Guitar Rote Exercises - Lateral Finger Strength And Stability Exercises

3 years ago

In this exercise, we strengthen and condition the fingers and hand, so that they have more lateral stability and control.

When you are beginner guitar player, your fingers are weak, both in grip strength and , and in side-to-side motion.

So the purpose of this exercise is to bring awareness to these weaknesses, so that they may be addressed, and strengthened,

So that later on, you will not be hindered in learning a new song, because of weak hands and fingers.

In particular, these are exercises for lateral finger motion (side to side) control and stability.

On a piano, the space between every pair of white keys is the same,

But on a guitar, the distance between every set of frets is slightly different,

Therefore, even though we have moveable chord fingering shapes, those shapes must be micro-adjusted for each hand position.

Also, when doing slides or gliss, your lateral finger strength will get stronger, and it will need to be stronger, to do slides and gliss well.

Also, as with other strengthening exercises, you will go from too weak, to too strong,

So when that day arrives, you’ll want to practice doing slides/gliss with increasing levels of tension, from 0-10, and decreasing level of tension from 10-0

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