2016-04-13 ● Esters Year of Preparation, Myrrh and Sweet Fragrances, Starts Aug 27th 2016

3 years ago

WATCH '144000' PLAYLIST FOR NEXT VIDEO IN SERIES( 2016-05-05 ● 12 Apostles Sit to Judge Bride, 288k virgins, 144k wise, Lamb reigns 1260 Pt8)
Here's a snapshot of the board https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-8E... - DOCUMENT: Esthers Year
Esthers Preperation Notes on Page 6 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-8E… - DOCUMENT: Apocalypsis Scroll 7
Q: Hi leeland: so that makes Ester is ready for her groom in February of 2018.
A: So it begins Aug 2016 and ends Aug 2017. Feb 2017 is the middle. Sorry if this was in any way confusing. The chart is in the description field.
C: May our Father Bless you for your Good Works. Thank you Leeland.
R: Thanks ..., got your message at 2:20
The Number 220 (S is strongs #)
A Sure Foundation [Isa 28.16]
Musad Musad
Chosen, Elect [S# 972]
Clean, Pure [S# 2889]
Thy Precepts [119.100]
Ed Olam
Deep, Profound [S# 5994]
Doorkeeper [S# 5605]
Tender, Soft [S# 7390]
Ez 8:20 220 Nethinims
Also of the Nethinims, whom David and the princes had appointed for the service of the Levites, two hundred and twenty Nethinims: all of them were expressed by name
Also 220 was the number of goats Jacob gave to his brother Esau ("two hundred she-goats and twenty he-goats") and the number of sheep ("two hundred ewes and twenty rams," Genesis 32:14)
C: Shalom Leland. Thats explained everything that happened to me during the year of 2015 (nov)-2016. Thank you Leland. God bless you.
R: Well in 2 Weeks Esthers Year of Preparation ends!
GLORY to His Name.
The names will be written on the Scroll of Memorial as Esther is brought before the King!
C - comment; R - response; Q - question; A - answer

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