2016-07-01 ● Review of Kings Timeline, Esthers year and calendar - Lamb 1260 Pt 12

3 years ago

See notes https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10PyTdVzyUI8WeclwjfMwaNAsGwLDaFgz - GOOGLE DRIVE: Calendar - Timelines - Daniel's Timeline
2016 Calendar https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10PyTdVzyUI8WeclwjfMwaNAsGwLDaFgz - GOOGLE DRIVE: Calendar - Timelines - 2016 Calendar
Esthers Preperation Notes pg 3 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10PyTdVzyUI8WeclwjfMwaNAsGwLDaFgz - GOOGLE DRIVE: Calendar - Timelines - Lamb1260 pg 3 - Esthers Year Preparation
C: The most exciting news, our King sat on the throne. Amen, Praise and glory to God!
R: Amen!
I believe we have entered a whole new era of time for the King.
Just as years are BC, before Christ and AD after, so 2010 marks the first year of the King which will conclude at the end of the Millennium. But just as millions of people didn't know the Messiah had come at Christ's birth (BC), so billions don't know He reigns King 2010.
C: It's going to be a wild year leading up to the Sept 23 2017 date.
R: Also ..., a subscriber mentioned the curse of Ez 4
From northern tribes going into Assyrian captivity in 721 bc
Curse is 7 times per Leviticus and 390 Ez 4
390x7=2730 721 b.c.+2730=2010
C: It is going to be a Blessed year as those seeking and looking expect Him to appear
With great joy I move into this time period of looking forward to that day
Not looking at things lost but looking forward to that which is gained
R: Amen!
Daniel 7:18
But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever! Dan 7:18
Q: I love to read all through every single one of your notes you so meticulously created by the guidance of the Holy Spirit and His Truth. It blesses my heart and is so exciting to know how very near the First Fruits, those who have completed Esther's preparation and waiting patiently for the day she will Stand Before the King! You mentioned that in the Book of Esther that was in the 10th month and the 7th day. On the Gregorian calendar, when is that? ❤
A: Thanks for watching and studying, I'm so blessed when I hear people using the notes.
Esthers 2:16 is taken before the King in the 10th month in the 7th year of the King's Reign. You can see why Cyrus' Decree is so important.
C - comment; R - response; Q - question; A - answer

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