How to feel safer inside your body

3 years ago

n this video, I am taking you through an exercise that will help you feel safer inside your body.

Have you experienced trauma or abuse in your childhood?

Chances are that you are constantly dissociating from your body and you are not getting the joy or fulfilment or energy that you deserve.

The more you dissociate, the more you miss out on life.

Listen to this lifestream to connect with your third eye chakra, at the back of your head, to open up the flow of Divine love and energy.

Your third eye is your telephone line to the Divine, and it is the seat of your intuition.

Your intuition keeps you safe.

It sends you nudges and warning signals.

It is like your internal navigating system.

In most of us, it has gone to sleep, because we have been conditioned to shut it down.

Let's face it, most people would laugh at you if you tell them your intuition told you to something.

Our society worships the analytical mind and is very disrespectful of our intuitive mind.

This practice will give you a direct experience of getting in touch with your intuition.

It also shows you how to keep your 6th chakra chamber nice and uncluttered, so you stay relaxed and open.

Looking forward to your comments, please let me know what shows up for you when you do this exercise.

much love, Grada.

PS: if you remain stuck in trauma, pain or stress, I am here to guide you through and resolve your energy blocks, so you feel healthy and energized.

Call my team on 64283007 or click on this link here to book online

I also work with clients outside of Tasmania by remote healing and the results speak for themselves.

I have many happy clients who left testimonials, feel free to read them by clicking on this link

Big love, and thanks for tuning in! Grada

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