3 years ago

300g high protein flour
5g instant yeast
50g egg
100g cold water
50g whipped cream
50g sugar
5g salt
10g milk powder
50g butter
1. Place flour and yeast in mixing bowl, stir until
mix well, add in sugar, salt, milk powder, water,
egg and whipped cream, stir with low speed for 1
minutes and 2 minutes on medium speed. Add
butter and continue to beat until dough is elastic
and smooth. It takes about 10-12 minutes using
electric mixer.
2. Ferment the dough for 30 minutes until double
the size.
3. Scale dough into 80g each and moulding into
round shape. Rest for 10 minutes.
4. Roll out the dough into long shape, use dough
cutter to cut 1/2 into stripes, place filling on the
other side, roll in into oval shape, place on baking
5. Final proof for 60 minutes. Egg w8ash /
decoration ( 1 egg +1 tbsp water +1 tbsp milk)
6. Bake at 1800C for 20 minutes or turbo oven
1600C 8-10 minutes.

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