Amazing! YES Perfectly Amazing

3 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement Hey Heart To Heart, I have questioned God so many times. Do you question God? It is funny how we question His methods of doing things, we don’t feel comfortable at times with the way He does things. It is hard to wrap our mind around His ways at times. We ask Him for things and then we turn our noses up at the way He takes us to get that answered prayer. He is our Provider, but we don’t like the way we don’t trust His methods and processes of answered prayer. He has always been faithful to us, we never go without, we are never not equipped by Him for the situations that we face. He is always taking care of us. He created and He maintains what He created. Simply-Significantly, this is just His Way. There is no doubt about it, He is an amazing provider. Things may not be going the way we want them to go right now, in fact it may looked to be opposite from the way we hoped and we may feel we are in lack, that we are deficient in certain things we thought we should have in the way we prayerfully prescribed. But God always has a good plan, don’t doubt that. God is and always has been a Perfect Provider Who finishes in excellence and we will always have exactly what we need in the day at hand. He promised this. He is trustworthy. He means what He says. His Promises are always played out for our good and His glory. His word never returns void, it always accomplishes what He sent it out to do. Our Provider God is worthy of our belief, trust, faith, praise and gratefulness. AweGOD!

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