Cardi B: Why are we Surprised??!!

3 years ago

During the 2021 Grammy Awards on March 14,there was a fuss about Cardi B’s performance. Many people thought her little number was vehemently vile and vulgar. People are dumbfounded as to how our culture could reach this point.
In this video, I explain why we shouldn't be shocked. It's been a steady progression into barbaric performances.
As parents and influencers of your own households, YOU can steer your loved ones in the right direction. Don’t watch the Superbowl or halftime shows. Don’t watch movies that contain scenes that are derogatory to women. Don’t listen to or purchase music that is low-level. Don’t immerse yourself in the filth that litters our landscape. Don’t open the package that they are giving you. Tell your young girls and boys that the world objectifies people and as human beings, we are so much more.
If you want a lifelong happy marriage and family, what the entertainment industry is spewing out is the COMPLETE opposite. It offers very little value and substance. Classy humans don’t objectify and reduce people to barbaric, carnal lust. We were made for so much more. Worthwhile relationships uphold the dignity and honor of men and women. So do what is classy and respectful if you want to make your marriage great.

Instagram: lynngriesemer
Youtube: MarriageCoachLynn
Rumble: LynnGriesemer
Linkedin: Lynn M. Griesemer

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