I thought the VACCINE protected us from COVID? Lord Fauci says 2 masks?

3 years ago

Wear two masks just in case there's a variant, but hope you don't die from too much CO2, first!

So, what's with the advice? The powers that be have an agenda, and COVID helps it big time!

"Never let a good crisis go to waste!" Fauci did not let that happen! Many others followed his playbook too. I'm not saying COVID wasn't real. My daughter actually got COVID! And, a couple other people I know, got it too, and they suffered like if they'd had the flu. I also know someone in Hawaii who died of heart disease and it was labeled COVID. Family are fighting it. But, I don't know anyone who died of COVID, so for those my sincerest heartfelt aloha to those families! But, I'm saying evil, deep state, selfish, hypocrit liars used this crisis to take advantage of the American people and to pass their agenda. I'm not sure what Fauci's thing is, but something is wrong. He might have been deemed America's doctor, but he's not mine! Rand Paul schooled Fauci in a session on Capitol Hill. Basically, IF, IF, IF, there's a variant, we better wear two masks. You've got to be kidding me?! Like Tucker asked, what about Hypercapia, which is what you get when there is too much CO2 in your bloodstream. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Well, when you wear masks, your carbon dioxide is your oxygen! This is why we have to stay informed and stick together. We have to empower ourselves with information and change whatever thinking is stopping us from getting to our goals and forbidding us to attain our best lives.

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