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15-20 More Prison Location Flights This Week

3 years ago

March 18, 2021- I've had to start doing these prison location updates weekly because there's just so many of them. Between 15-20 flights to prison locations since March 11, 2021. Each flight documented with individual plane data.Gitmo Base Commander running his base from the air? : - /


  • 0/2000
  • Thank you for the updates 👍 are there any details from the UK?

  • I think I know what the prison activity is about!!! See the following video of Democratic politicians who have RECENTLY been arrested: https://rumble.com/vet89z-3.19.21-democrats-indictedarrested-in-record-numbers-dark-to-light-pray.html The list starts at the 31:00 minute mark. These are JUST the high profile names. Their accomplices have also probably been arrested as well. If we’re under martial law which we suspect we are, these cases would be held under UCMJ. What better place to take them than to a prison island like gitmo?? The puzzle is coming together folks!!!

  • the are insisting this covid is going to get worse,, but i think they are dreaming, yet they can make more restrictions , is this a realitiy?