Want to know the key to unlock the Universe?

3 years ago

Do you want to know the key to unlock the Universe?

Practice self-love!

We try everything else first.. we get busy solving problems, fixing issues and distracting ourselves with current events.

What if I told you that these tumultuous experiences are distractions?

All these big and small upheavals stop us from giving ourselves loving attention.

I am inviting you right now to stop doing that, at least for the next 20 minutes and just go into your heart and say: I love you unconditionally!

This is so powerful and so simple, and yet we have to be reminded to do it over and over.

If we all stopped at coffee time or lunchtime and spent 10 minutes or so focussing self love right into our hearts, most problems in the world would simply disappear, including all the pollution.

We are all on our own different timelines, creating our own experiences…..

And this can cause friction and misunderstanding or problems,

But what if you started to respond with love to anything that pops up in your life?

Even physical problems would disappear.

I have several clients with cancer and I have been teaching them to love their tumours unconditionally. This has been really helpful, they have coped with chemotherapy better, their relationships improved and it’s helped their cancer recede.

One client forgot to practice self love, because his business needed his attention, and suddenly one of his tumours increased in size.

This is the strange thing; that we always leave the loving ourselves till last.

But even if you use it as a last resort, your life is going to improve beyond your wildest dreams!

Unconditional love is actually the fabric that holds the universe together.

We might have forgotten how to use love language to ourselves, but the universe hasn’t, and it will always respond to your love vibration and by changing your reality.

Lots of people think they have to have a good reason to love themselves, or they have to understand the process first.

The point is, when you start practicing loving yourself, everything that hasn’t served you until now will unlock itself from your reality and fall away, and wonderful gifts and blessings will flow into your life.

The universe is the bank of benevolence and wants to give us more and more, but if we don’t love ourselves we are not able to receive all the good things the universe has in store for us.

Listen to this video to get into the self love practices.

All my love, Grada

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