Why did Teresa have unexplained fatigue Unlisted Video

3 years ago

My client Teresa has been an avid bushwalker all her life and loved mountain climbing. Recently she began to experience palpitations and dizzy spells and had to cancel her last two adventures because she didn’t have the energy.

She was concerned. Her GP had given her a clean bill of health, but recommended cholesterol drugs, as a routine measure.

Thankfully, Teresa hadn’t used the prescription yet.

There was no family history of heart disease or high blood pressure.

I ran several tests on her urine, saliva and blood to give me a baseline where I discovered an imbalance that could possibly be the cause of her fainting spells and low energy.

She was low in potassium and lacked the amino acid Taurine.

Potassium is needed to keep your heart beating strong and steady, so the low potassium levels would have contributed to her tiredness.

Low levels of taurine can also create shortness of breath, unexplained tiredness, and a drop in stamina.

Teresa was a dedicated vegan. Taurine is completely lacking in a vegetarian or vegan diet because the amino acid taurine is mainly found in red meat or fish.

I had the perfect solution for Teresa: Beetflow. Taurine is a key ingredient in Beetflow.

Beetflow also includes glutamine, needed for intestinal repair, and a large amount of beet leaf, beetroot, and dehydrated beetroot juice.

The taurine in the Beetflow would help Teresa regain her fitness levels, so she'd be able to scale Tassie's mountain tops again.

Athletes who have a glass of beetroot juice 20 minutes prior to an event compete 10% better! This is because the body is able to rid itself of the waste produced while competing.

I also encouraged Teresa to add ¼ teaspoon of Himalayan Salt per liter of water, to keep her potassium levels normal.

When Teresa returned for her follow up session, I hardly recognized her.

She looked radiant and was happy to inform me that her walking buddies couldn’t believe how quickly she had bounced back from her malady.

People at work kept asking her what she was taking because she looked so different!

I am telling you this story because Teresa isn’t the only one who needs Taurine.

Taurine deficiency is way more common than you suspect. Medical research shows that supplementing with Taurine offers you a level of protection from cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes.

As early as the 1980s studies showed startling evidence of supplementing with Taurine and improved liver function.

Taurine helps control cholesterol and triglyceride production and enhances energy by assisting glucose and glycogen utilization.

This means that you get more bang from your buck and that you get energy from the foods you eat.

Taurine also helps to detoxify the body, breaking down excess hormones that create havoc either in your body or your relationships.

Ever heard of shit on the liver? We shouldn’t really blame our hard-working livers when the problem lies with sticky bile.

Beetflow (which includes Taurine) helps decrease fatty liver and insulin resistance. Most of us have some fat stored in our liver, I’m sure.

Our bodies can only use one teaspoonful of sugar at any one time, three to four times a day.

One of the first places we store excess sugar is the liver and guess what?

Since the 1970’s we have all been encouraged to consume a diet high in carbohydrates and low in fats.

Carbohydrates convert to sugars, which get stored as fats inside our bodies if we don’t use them as fuel straight away.

Your body stores it in the freezer (excess fat rolls) and then forgets it has a freezer full of food (read: fatty liver)

The flour from one slice of bread is converted to six (6) teaspoons of sugar! And if you eat a banana, that’s 9 teaspoons of sugar!

This results in fat being stored in the liver - called fatty liver.

You might live under the impression that you have dodged a bullet, but even a slim looking person can have a fatty liver.

A study in the January 2003 issue of Circulation shows that smokers have blood vessels with diameters much smaller than non-smokers.

Yet after taking just 1.5 grams or one Taurine capsule 3 times a day, for only five days, the smokers' blood vessel diameters increased to equal that of non-smokers.

This would equate to having 2 Beetflow three times a day with meals for 5 days. This could turn out to be a life saver!

I recommend all my clients to supplement with Beetflow.

This gets the bile so it runs properly and supplies my clients with much-needed Taurine.

The bile is the waste from the body. This also assists in fat digestion.

Fats are by far the best and cleanest fuel source you can give yourself, if you want to live a long and healthy life, like my client Teresa!

I have a lot more to say on this subject, so keep an eye out for my next email, and feel free to share this health hack with your loved ones, so they benefit as well.

Also, check out our website on www.purplehousenaturaltherapies.com.au

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