Don't Eat in Bed, but Should you Eat BEFORE Bed? That is the Question?

3 years ago

Turns out there are about as many opinions on whether you should or should not eat before bed as there are kinds of mattresses out there. Just like anything with the human body, it is all bio-individual. However, I can provide some tips on what foods may negatively or positively impact your sleep. You will still need to listen to your own body and find what works for you.

The following foods may negatively impact your sleep:
- Spicy Foods & Acidic Foods – Can cause heartburn
- Cruciferous Vegetables – slowly digesting insoluble fiber
- Red Meat – high protein – low enzymes
- Cured Meats and Cheeses – amino acid tyramine – causes alertness
- Chocolate – contains caffeine
- Sugary drinks, juices and foods – can cause stimulation
- Liquids – interrupt sleep with need to go to bathroom

These foods may improve your sleep if you eat at dinner or as a SMALL snack about an hour before bed:
- Foods high in tryptophan – amino acid precursor to serotonin.
- Small amounts of the right carbohydrates to help the body assimilate the tryptophan.
- Foods high in calcium and/ or magnesium.
- Try honey as a sweetener if necessary as it helps decrease alertness.
- Foods containing natural melatonin – tart cherries, goji berries and raspberries.

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