Mud Mud More Mud

3 years ago

We can wander off our own way and find ourselves with mud up to our knees. This is a muddy world and we can’t escape it, mud. M-ankind U-ndermines D-estiny and we all get stuck in the mud of our human condition. Mud, Mud and More Mud. It is an unending circle of deplorable mud. Dirty, sticky, yucky mud. How are we going to get through this? Jesus, our cleanser, the ONE Who cleanses us so well, that even our conscious is sparkling clean. Jesus, He is our way out, our Way-Maker out of all the mud of our human condition. Jesus, HERE WITH US, traveling through the mud of humanity with us, helping us to grow through the mud to better places. Our God is amazing and we can trust Him, His heart motives for us are pure and good. We are not alone, God is with us and we will be mud free, cleansed by God and set on a path of the purity of right living with a course enlightened by God Who glows in the dark, so we avoid the mud pits of our enemy and step firmly on the solid Rock of Jesus. No more mud! Awe-GOD. #DigDeeper

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