Aggressive Kangal Pup - Video 1 of 3

3 years ago

With our first Kangal we began having behavioral issues with her. She was just 7 months old during the recording of this video. At an early age she was food aggressive whenever the livestock came anywhere near her while she was eating, then it progressed into having a strong dislike of the rams, in this video and the next one (part 2) she did not like it that the ram was drinking out of it's own water bucket. It took quite a bit of work to get her to stop this kind of behavior.

This is not a good trait in a livestock guardian dog. She had a strong temperament since a young pup which was great in warding off potential predators but not good in regards to living with livestock.

Being a first time LGD owner at this point it was a challenge to break her of this bad habit which was progressing. Although somewhat controversial I resorted to using a shock collar to dissuade her from attacking the animals and pulling wool from the sheep.

Often people with LGD's use an older experienced dog to correct the pups when they misbehave with the livestock. In our case I had to be the one to correct her since we didn't have any other dogs. In part 2, I will describe further of how I used the collar.
Part 2-

Part 3 -


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