God Knows Best

3 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement Are you done yet? Exhausted? Still trying so very hard to make something happen that is just not happening for you? We exhaust ourselves trying to fix things, trying to pursue someone that can’t be caught, someone who doesn’t even want to be caught. We run after what we want in that wild free will anticipation, crazed out kind of way and end up at a dead end with dashed expectations, disappointed and disillusioned. Okay, so you stretched yourself as far as humanly possible and you still can’t reach it. Now is time to accept it the way it is, you tried and it is out of your reach. It is definitely time to “look up” to the One Who can stretch you to reach it and change it up! I have been here and done that… looked up from a heap on the floor, to the Way-Maker God, The One Who makes all things possible, and I hoped in Him, My Fixer, My Transformer. Psalm 62 wisely shows us that we should put all of our expectations in God’s hands. YES, the safest place for our expectations is in God’s Hands. Let be, accept it. This is the way it is. Be still, quiet your will. Know God, KNOW He is Sovereign, let go of what you want, put Your expectations in His Hands and open your heart wide to His Way. Tell Him how you feel, lay Your expectations down at His feet and walk forward in followship of Him. Stretch past what you want, because simply-significantly, God’s way, in heavenly hindsight, will always purposefully work out for our best, really good for us and shine His glory. Father God knows best. Let be, be still and know He is God. Accept it. Look up. Listen up. Decide to “grow through” with God by accepting the things you cannot change. Does your past trip you up, walk away from your past, look up, listen up and follow after the One Who can change things up and Who will change things up! #DigDeeper https://thebridegroomscafe.com/silently-submit/

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