God's Standard of Success | Part 2 | How to Stop Worry and Anxiety Series

3 years ago

God’s Standard of Success is like the destination in our GPS, and without it, we will easily end up worrying and being anxious, unnecessarily!

Worry and anxiety are so common in our lives, a survey said it’s the number one reason for doctor’s visits. But they are not common in God’s Plan – He never built us or intended us to live worried or anxious.

Jesus teaches us in the Bible how to not worry, but trust God, and how to not be anxious, but rely on God. When we do what He says, we get in agreement with God. We get under the Protective Umbrella of His Authority, and He will help us and guide us to God’s Standard of Success that He has called us, individually, to.

The truth is that Jesus has taught us every single thing we need to know and do to be totally successful in this lifetime, the Way God intended us to. And we also know that this lifetime is preparation for our eternal life, in heaven with Him. Now all we have to do is keep His Commandments, and we will not only be rewarded by God in this lifetime, but the next!

I hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful, and I hope it encourages you to start focusing on God’s Plan for your life and to start getting rid of any worry or anxiety influencing you today! Because getting rid of such emotional garbage such will help us to not only be able to feel loved by others in whatever love language they may be speaking, but it will help us to be able to be more loving towards them in all the love languages!

God bless you, abundantly!!

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