Patient Zero The Creation Of The MoShiach Soul Part 0

4 years ago

Patient Zero The Creation Of The MoShiach Soul Part 0

HaShem very first act of Creation was before the main CREATION.
This is an allegory of something beyond any HUMAN UNDERSTANDING and is purely SYMBOLIC.
HaShem is ONE and EVERYTHING CREATED is a figment of the DIVINE MIND of the CREATOR.
The Holy ZOHAR talks about repeated CREATED VESSELS in today's understanding this could be viewed as DIVINE THOUGHTS or DIVINE THINKING.
So HaShem contracted "HIMSELF" and formed in his MIND the "MoShiach Soul."
This can be symbolically viewed as a MENTAL Birthing process.
This occurred before any other BEINGS were CREATED.
The Moshiach Soul like a MAGNET was compelled to reverse the DIVINE SEPARATION to be ONE WITH HaShem.
Like a MOTH Compelled to move back to its CREATOR.
This caused repeated waves in the MIND of GOD.
And so began the act of CREATION we all KNOW in the HOLY TORAH.
Once the Physical Universe was CREATED a PHYSICAL BODY was made by HaShem and ADAM was CREATED.
ADAM Soul now divided into two a Conscious and Subconscious MIND and SOUL, using the terminology of TODAY.
This gave ADAM the illusion of FREEWILL during the DAY and as he slept his SUPERMAN MoShiach SOUL is let loose on CREATION.
The MoShiach Soul is always ADAM and has traveled from ONE Body into the NEXT.
Our Sages teach us the MoShiach was ADAM,KING DAVID and will be our FUTURE KING.
THe MoShiach as a MAN is just a HUMAN like you or me and is a kind of modern day CLARK KENT.
And acts as a PORTAL through his MoShiach Soul for HUMANITY to GROW and flourish.
As every new SOUL entering the Physical Universe has to enter through the Soul of the MoShiach.
Therefore, ALL HUMANITY meaning you me and everyone else contains within us MoShiach DNA CODE.
However, the MoShiach contains within himself the BIGGEST DIVINE SPARK IMAGINABLE.
Most likely the MoShiach Soul was in NOAH,ABRAHAM and MOSES.
At some future or past moment in TIME the MoShiach Soul will or has become SELF AWARE.
This will start a slow CHAIN REACTION as the Subconscious and Conscious MINDS undergo UNIFICATION.
This is a POINT of NO RETURN as now the MoShiach will be TRANSMITTING 24/7.
Helping to PLOUGH the WAY for the FINAL REDEMPTION with the aid of ANGELIC BEINGS and HaShem.
And the MoShiach Soul is somewhere in the WORLD TODAY.

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