Constipation Completely Gone! Using a Relax Sauna / Niacin Flush

3 years ago

In this spontaneous Relax Sauna testimonial:
Kris is in the natural food business, has had her sauna for a little over two years, and says. “I love it. I use it daily unless I have to get out of the house really early. I bought the sauna primarily for sauna for detoxification. We have a lot of environmental pollution right now. I think it’s in the air and the water and anyway we can get rid of it is a good way and this Is a very effective way, I believe, to get rid of these pollutants.”

She thinks that using it is a very significant way “for a healthy person to maintain their health. I don’t use any pharmaceutical drugs. If I have an issue that needs to be addressed, I’ll always look for a natural alternative. I won’t use, I won’t use a pharmaceutical drug. That may be why I’m healthy.”

“I did recently do a niacin detox. I heard someone on a One Radio Network, a woman named, Anita Warren,” recommend that people do niacin flushes as described in L Ron Hubbard's book, Clear Mind, Clear Body. “I plowed through that book, It was fascinating.”

She said, “Well I already had a sauna and I have niacin, too, so why not try this, so I did. We harbor toxins in the fat cells so if those cells are opened and start releasing the toxins you never know what’s going to come out. “ She describes meeting and working with Anita Warren and learned that people might release drug residues or even chlorine from swimming in swimming pools. A man released so much chlorine that the smell was overpowering. She recommends reading about the niacin flush or finding someone who knows what they are doing if you decide to do a niacin flush in conjunction with the sauna, especially if things come up.

“I was a competitive swimmer. I did it for three weeks, I was absolutely thrilled that I did it.

She describes her protocol. “When I finished this, my whole life I had a problem with constipation - completely gone! Absolutely gone and I had done many things to try and help that problem.” She says, according to Anita, “for some people, when you are detoxing like that, you might need to really wipe down the inside of the sauna when you are done because you’re not sure what’s coming out of your skin.

And you need to get out and you need to drink water and maybe take sodium. You need potassium. I don’t recommend people do it without reading about it before they do it.”

L Ron Hubbard used his wooden sauna for five hours. Kris used her Relax sauna “for an hour. You exercise for 20 minutes, get that heartbeat going, get the blood flowing and then you sit in the sauna after that.” Phil commented that the Relax sauna is at least about five times more powerful than the regular old saunas so this is why you don't need to use it as long. Kris said, “I think that there are people who would verify that, too. I know Anita had mentioned it.”

She heard Dr. George Yu, on the Radio One Network, say he worked in surgery and, although he had never received anesthesia, he administered it. “When he sat in the sauna, he could smell the anesthesia. You could smell it. It was coming out of his skin.

To me, if you are going to try and clean up, this is a good way to start. Diet, of course, is a part of it but let’s clean up what’s there and add these things in altogether, I think people are going to come away renewed.”

Phil describes a woman’s experience of doing an intense 9-day Relax sauna cleanse.

Kris chose the Relax Sauna because when she sat in it, “I thought - this is great - and the nice thing about it is, I couldn’t just sit and do nothing. and I can get my hands out of here and read while I'm in a sauna. Whereas, if you are in a big wooden sauna, and you are really perspiring, it's hard to hold something and read it when you are sitting completely soaked. So that was a big factor for me.

And the other thing is that it is so portable. I can just pick it up and move it from one room to another. It works great. Yeah, it works great. I have used it almost daily for over two years and I have not had one issue with it at all.”

This is another valuable expanded use for the Relax far infrared sauna so people can have one in their home and experience wonderfulness. Kris says, “I recommend it.”

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