Healing Effects of Mindfulness on the Body

3 years ago

Science has proven that the contents of our thoughts and emotions directly and immediately influence our biochemistry. We can consciously influence and direct the body’s output of health chemical information through mindfulness, meditation, and visualization.There has been a 700% increase in the studies of mindfulness based stress reduction since 2003. Mindfulness training and support is not being offered in over 700 medical centers in the US and around the world as the affects of stress on wellness, health and disease becomes more apparent.

Harvard Medical School states that numerous studies show
• Improved physical health by having a general pain-lowering effect, lowering inflammation and blood sugar, improving immune function blood pressure and heart health and encouraging general self-care
• Increased happiness and life satisfaction by lowering stress and emotional distress
• Improved emotional resiliency, which also helps combat stress and anxiety
• Improved mental health by triggering the release of antidepressant and mood-regulating chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and oxytocin, while inhibiting the stress hormone cortisol
• Improved sleep which can have far-reaching benefits for physical and mental health
Mindfulness is as simple as NOT thinking about what has happened in the past, not worrying about what might happen in the future, but only focusing on RIGHT NOW. When thoughts of other things break through your mindfulness, simply shoo them away and say, I’ll think about that another time, and then refocus on your mindful activity.

You can do ANY activity in a mindful way
• Walking / Hiking
• Dancing
• Yoga / Qi Gong / Tai Chi
• Eating
• Being Intimate
• Doing dishes or other chores

Just remember, there is no Right or Wrong way to be mindful. Try different activities until you find what works for you. Start as simple as 5 minutes a day. Check out my video on the Mindfulness Challenge below.

Mindfulness Challenge - https://youtu.be/3W15ZqAg4WQ
Healthy Habits - https://youtu.be/5f0NFvk2_sg
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