Communion in the Hand FRAUD

3 years ago

Communion in the Hand as it is practiced today in the Roman Catholic Church is a Fraud and has no equivalent in the Ancient Church. This Pure Sacrilege has destroyed the Faith of Hundreds of Millions of Catholics all with the Absolute Lie that this is how the early Christians received Holy Communion.

What did St. Cyril of Jerusalem really say? What did the earliest Fathers and Councils of the Church teach? What did Jesus Himself say at the "Last Supper"?

This Evil Practice must be stopped because it is an offence against God, a Destroyer of our Faith and has Nothing to do with the Early Church or the Apostolic Tradition.

What makes this abomination even worse is the pure heretical Novelty of allowing Laymen and Laywomen to distribute God Incarnate into the hands of the Laity who in turn give Holy Communion to THEMSELVES! And Church officials wander why people have lost the Faith and left the One and Only Church of Jesus Christ!

"But yet the Son of Man, when He Cometh, shall He find, think you, faith on earth?" Luke 18:8

#Eucharistic #Catholic #HolyCommunion

The Grave Sin of Communion in the Hand

Bishop Schneider on Communion in the hand

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