God Wants to Free Your Mind: Barnabas in Acts 4

4 years ago

Barnabas is a Christian who appears in Acts 4:36 selling possessions and receiving a new name. It is quite possible that Barnabas was the Rich Young Ruler in Matthew 19:16-30, Mark 10:1-3, and Luke 18:18-30. For this study, I recommend reading one of the Gospel accounts of the Rich Young Ruler. In the book of Acts, we see Barnabas disposing of His estate, and living life as a Christian who is now graced by the Holy Spirit. This appearance of Barnabas happens after the Holy Spirit came in Acts 2, and we must appreciate that the Holy Spirit wants to sanctify every individual to live a holy life. This act of sanctification is a work of grace which gives us new eyes and ears to see and hear as God wants us to, and then gives us the motivation and power to live according to those new eyes. A free mind is not a mind without metrics or rules, for that would just be chaos. A free mind is one that is liberated from the inescapable burdens of chaos, a mind that is not slave to the world but free with Christ.
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