Washington: Puyallup Fair 2014 Washington States biggest and best fair

3 years ago

The city of Puyallup used to be a small farming town, the started the fair back in 1900 to draw in people from the surrounding communities. The fair has grown ever since. Now it is held twice a year, in the spring and fall for about a week each time. It a fun fascinating place to visit. I wasn’t able to capture the whole fair in just one day, there is so much to see. It still amazes me to run across locals that haven’t been here before there is truly something here for everyone. I hope you enjoy these pictures.
On some of the ride photography I was experimenting with the focus. The end videos were in a soft blur. I remember seeing this in a few movies and thought it was really cool. Let me know what you think.
On this day I shot enough footage to make an hour video, but I tried to keep it short to keep you watching. A fair is definitely a photographers paradise, it’s such a subject rich environment that it’s always worth the price of admission just to practice you photography techniques.

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I generally put out a new video on Wednesdays and Fridays every week.

The Puyallup fair:

Music courtesy of Envato Elements Music https://elements.envato.com/

Playground Kids LightBeats 3:00
All In the Boat simming 3:00
Hey Summer Upbeat Energy Gilv 3:06
Be Fun Pinkzebra 3:04
Kids TV soundroll 3:00
Swinging Beats simming 3:20
Virtual Tour BrownHouseMedia 2:37

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