A World Etched by Water - John Baumgardner

4 years ago

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You probably wouldn’t expect a committed evolutionist with a secular upbringing, who earned multiple graduate degrees in the hard sciences from prestigious universities, to end up being one of the world’s leading creation scientists. But that’s exactly what happened with Dr. John Baumgardner of the Logos Research Associates, the foremost expert on Noah’s Flood and its significance to Earth’s geology.

After completing his BS in electrical engineering at Texas Tech and MS in electrical engineering from Princeton, John began work on his PhD. Some other students invited him to a Bible study that was covering the gospel of John, and despite his secular background he soon found himself face to face with Jesus. John gave his life to the Lord, and then had to determine how to best use his life for the Lord, while using his scientific training and also fulfilling his prior commitment to the U. S. Air Force. John talks with Kevin about his subsequent journey from witnessing with Campus Crusade for Christ, to earning more graduate degrees at UCLA, to creating the world’s greatest geologic modeling software, to developing anti-missile lasers for the Star Wars program at Los Alamos National Laboratory, to leading the Carbon-14 research with the RATE project, to joining the Logos Research Associates. He also shares some of the many evidences he has discovered as to why it was a global flood, not uniformitarian processes, that shaped the earth’s geologic features into what they are today.

You can learn more about John’s work with the Logos Research Associates, including how to get involved, at LogosResearchAssociates.org. You can find out more about the results of the RATE project (which set out to evaluate the alleged evidence for an old earth from radioisotopes) in the popular book Thousands, Not Billions, or the more technical volume Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, available from many book sellers.

This episode first aired on June 18th, 2016.
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