The Door: Relocating... In Jesus

3 years ago

Jesus said in Jn 17:24​, "That they would be "WHERE I AM", so "that they may behold My glory which You have given Me." Do you feel the draw?

Doesn't that make you want to spend more time 'where He is'? Sounds like that is the way that we're to 'behold His glory'.

Being where He is... experiencing our bi-locational realities is not as hard as one may think. Jesus made it simple... if we can only become like a little child. He said in John 10:9, "I am the Door..." What if we take Jesus' words at face value and like a little child, just believe Him? And just like any door, it swings both ways. It allows for passage in and out. Jesus said that we are to expect to use it both ways... "to come in and go out and find pasture."

Heaven's invitation is to get really good at 'coming in and going out and finding pasture'.

Happy discoveries!!!!!

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