I'm a TERD

3 years ago

The acronym “TERF” has been flying around a lot more lately. For those unaware of what that stands for, it means Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. There has been a lot of hatred and violence directed at TERFs for not allowing biological men to join in the causes that biological women are taking up for biological women. These TERFs have been accused of being trans-phobic, because they say that trans-women are not biological women. While to many that may seem like a statement of fact, it seems this has not quelled the anger within the “trans” community. Are you keeping up?
As a man, I must admit I feel a bit left out. That’s why I’m making an acronym for all the guys who are stuck on ideas like a man is a man and a woman is a woman. You know, those of us who are apparently full of hate. I’m going with “TERD,” which stands for Truth-Encouraging Rad Dude. For women you can join in the club by substituting “Dudette.” We are inclusive over here.
A few questions to consider:
What do you think about all the acronyms and name-calling that has become so prevalent?
What do you think about accusing those who disagree with your view of things of being full of hate?
How do you propose we have conversations about these things?
Does passing legislation that forces the majority of citizens to accept the premise of a tiny minority of citizens help or harm our society?

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