2016 Skagit Valley tulip fields, miles of color, country blocks of Tulips

3 years ago

In April 2016, I took my new wife to see the Tulip fields in Skagit Valley. It was the first time she’d seen this before. I took over 2,000 pictures. Unfortunately for you, I was only able to include the pictures without family. Starting in early March, you can go to The Skagit Valley for a great photo Safari.
Early March is the Daffodils, then early through mid-April are the Tulips, the fields are simply awe inspiring with the vast array of color. There really aren’t any borders or fences around most of the fields, so if you want to try midnight full moon shots, or early morning frost on the Tulips shots you are pretty much free to do so, as long as you are respectful.
There are also a few growers that turned their front yards into beautiful flower gardens. For a small fee you can wander through enjoying a massive variety of flowers in many different colors. Vignettes set up by color, or flower type, a fantastic place for a photo shoot, but please ask the owner’s permission out of respect. Some owners will even rope off an area for you if you let them know in advance.

Skagit Valley is about 60 miles north from Seattle. The roads to the fields are well marked once you get up there.
Plan ahead, you are on a flat plain about 2 miles from the ocean, it gets windy and cold up there. Even on a sunny day. If you like flowers, or taking pictures, plan on taking most of the day, time flows much slower up there.
Here are some of the websites for ordering bulbs or visiting the beautiful gardens.



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