CCP Sanctions 28 US officials; Biden takes his first executive actions reversing Trump policies

3 years ago

The new White House Chief of Staff, Ron Klain, issued a regulatory freeze memo on Wednesday, suspending any new regulations made by the Trump administration in their final days. It is said that this is to give the Biden administration an opportunity to review them. White house spokesperson Jen Psaki said in a statement that “In the coming days and weeks we will be announcing additional executive actions that confront these challenges”.

China Central Television released a newsflash just as the inauguration for Biden was taking place. It was about China’s Foreign Ministry’s announcement. They imposed sanctions against 28 U.S.politicians who are "anti-China" over the past four years, barring them from entering China, Hong Kong, or Macau.

New Secretary of State nominee Anthony Blinken testified at his confirmation hearing on Jan 19. He said “President Trump was right in taking a tougher approach to China.” Blinken acknowledged that China is accountable for the coronavirus outbreak during in early stage of the outbreak.

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