How to overcome fear of failure - How to stop fear and insecurity

3 years ago

By learning how to overcome the fear of failure, we clear up mental and emotional space to do the healthy thing and be successful in all areas of our live!

Growing up, I kept hearing how I never do anything right, how I’d never be good at anything, and how I’d never amount to anything. I didn’t know any better, so I kept giving into my fears, especially my fear of failure.

Pastor Jimmy Evans tells us that fear is a spirit prophet that gives us a negative report about the future to get us to make a fear-based decision that God will not honor. Whenever we give into fear, the thing we’re fearful of will come true, as much as we try to avoid it.

The Bible teaches us that God has not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, and power, and of a sound mind. Once we learn how to overcome the fear of failure, we are free, mentally and emotionally, to start making the right decisions that will lead to success in all areas of our lives.

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