How to overcome insecurity - How to stop fear and insecurity

3 years ago

One thing that can derail our success in life and that we must learn is how to overcome insecurity!

Feeling insecure comes from putting our trust in the wrong place, whether it be ourselves, people, or money. This feeling, even though it may seem stems from unhealthy thing, is actually accurately describing our reality. We, human beings, don’t know the future so we can’t really say we are able to handle whatever comes our way on our own. And there are things money can’t buy. Plus, other human beings most likely have disappointed us before. So feeling insecure when we put our trust in a not secure source is healthy.

But we can change that and overcome insecurity by putting our trust in God – who does know the future, who does love us, who does want to see us succeed, and on whom we really can count on!

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