Achillis Tendonitis Dancers Runners Gymnasts Fighters | Easyflexibility | Paul Zaichik

3 years ago

Achilles tendonitis Treatment– What to do to heal this Injury.
Achilles Tendonitis is a debilitating condition that anyone devoted to various fitness activities such as Dancers, Cheerleaders, Gymnasts, Martial Artists and Joggers know all too well.
In short Achilles Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon that connects the calf muscle and the heel. When the calf contracts, the ankle joint plantar flexes. Standard medical treatments involve injections and anti-inflammatories. In sever cases surgery.
Most cases of Achilles Tendonitis are accumulative in nature. Just because you felt the pain today, does not mean that it started today. Most likely it took a while to build. Inflammation of the chilles tendon and even bursa under it, is commonly a repetitive stress injury, that builds over time.
What’s the first thing you do, if you feel the pain? STOP. I would go as far to as to say, stop anywhere. If you are competing – stop. If you are in the middle of the class – stop. Even if you are performing- make an effort to stop. (If you are a working dancer, you maybe under pressure to keep going.)
Next, while there are modern medical treatments which your doctor can advise you on, I will address the alternative methods of treating Achilles Tendonitis. Since I am not a medical doctor, nothing in this article should be constituted as a medical advice. Read up on everything, talk to a professional and make your own decision.
Alternative Treatment Plan in Acute Cases
• Cell salt #4 – Ferrum Phos (Also known as Schuessler Cell Salts). This is a first stage of inflammation remedy. Muscles, Tendons, Sore Throats, etc. It helps right when the injury happens.
• External Application of Arnica, first 24-48 hours. This means topicals, such as gel, salve, cream, etc.
• 30C Arnica Homeopathic can also be taken internally.
• Should you stretch the freshly injured tendon? NO
• Should you massage the acutely injured tendon? NO

Alternative Treatment Plan in Chronic Cases
Now, let’s talk about the Chronic Injury or recurring injury of the Achilles Tendon. Regardless of what sport you practice, Dance, Gymnastics, Martial Arts, Cheerleading, Running, etc., the same thing applies.
Does Stretching the tendon and calf helps in avoiding an injury? In theory it should. Why? Because a muscle and tendon is always more prone to injury if it has to contract out of its maximum range.
For example, in doing a stiff legged dead lift the chance of injury is much higher if one goes into full range until the stretch is felt. If on the other hand one bends the knees or does not go until a full stretch of the hamstrings, the chances of getting injured are lower. The same thing applies to the Achilles Tendon, if course, stretching must be combined with strength in that deep range. In ElasticSteel /EasyFlexibility System we call that “deep range strengthening” Extended Length Conditioning.
However, in some cases stretching the antagonist is super important. For example, in dancers who dance on pointe, if their dorsal flexors are tight, the calf will always have to contract extra to ‘fight them”. Additionally, the foot will never be aligned with the lower leg in a straight line. This will place constant additional stress on the calf and Achilles. Thus, flexibility of the antagonist can prevent Achilles Tendonitis.
Remedies to assist in the chronic Achilles Tendonitis Case.....
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