Spike Solo eBIAB: 1st Brew Day Experience

4 years ago

The outcome of my first brew day on the Spike Brewing Solo (eBIAB) Single Vessel Brewing System. Some observations and some ideas for improving the brew day experience. #SpikeBrewing #SpikeBrewingEquipment #BIAB #eBIAB #Solo #SpikeBrewing

Purchase Links Mentioned in Video (Amazon Affiliate Links):
Hoist: https://amzn.to/33lo6LK
10 ft Cable Extension: https://amzn.to/3aUGRZ

Larry's Lager Recipe Links:

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SNS Grills: http://snsgrills.com?afmc=BNB
JaDeD Brewing: http://jadedbrewing.com?aff=27
MoreBeer: https://www.morebeer.com/index?a_aid=BEERNBBQ
Williams Brewing: http://www.williamsbrewing.com/Default.aspx?afid=81
Brewing America: https://brewingamerica.com?sca_ref=82296.c5HcaMjKum
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