Unmanifest Potential - Revealing Dielectrics & Human Energy- 99% Ignorance- 1% Conspiracy to Conceal

4 years ago

I'd like to share something special, that has come to my understanding over some time, and for which I am working on clear, tangible, irrefutable and undeniable well-trained bio-effects to demonstrate.
You can go ahead and watch the entire Concept Documentary to get the gist of it all, or you can just know this:
The key component of the Documentary to take way, is this quote by C.P. Steinmetz, much elaborated on by Photographer and Meta-Physicist Ken L Wheeler-->
"Unfortunately, to a large extent in dealing with the dielectric fields the prehistoric conception of the electrostatic charge (electron particle) on the conductor still exists, and by its use destroys the analogy between the two components of the electric field, the magnetic and the dielectric, and makes the consideration of dielectric fields unnecessarily complicated"
Think deeply on this.
Now allow me to elaborate.
During this time in history, and up until roughly the turn of the 19th century, much of the electrical science was derived, you could say, alchemically, or you could say, with the help of Natural Philosophy, which had built up a lot of momentum as an aid to the scientific method up until that point.
That said, it's worth noting that although much of Natural Philosophy was tainted with superstitious/religious reasoning behind it, there were other branches or you could say lineages, which dealt specifically with deriving an understanding of the Modus Operandi of Natura Naturans. If you would like fuller comprehension I suggest the book Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity by Algis Uždavinys, which Ken has recommended to clear any misunderstanding and set the record straight about Natural Philosophy and Alchemy for that matter.
So now, let's ask the question: Why is it that particle physics, materialism, General Relativity and Quantum physics are the arch enemy of electricity, and the arch enemy of Alchemy and true Meta-Physics?
Well, these sciences have gotten us a fair way in many respects. But because they have dispensed with the ether (dielectric field, all fields and all of genuine field-theory), they have thereby removed the crucial analogies and alchemical relationships between the various field components, and replaced them with abstract Quantum Particle Theory and Mathematics, which the creators themselves admit is purely an abstraction with no basis in reality, but useful for making equations balance out.
Okay, let's take this down a slightly different route, so you may understand.
Does anyone practice or are you familiar with Chinese Medicine theory/TCM?
This is Alchemy at it's finest-->
In TCM diagnosis we have:
The 8 principles
The 4 vital substances
The Zang and Fu organs
The Pathological factors
The 6 stages of disease progression
The 4 levels
The 3 burners
And of cause we absolutely MUST have the 5 elements and Yin/Yang theory and be able to comprehend and use it accurately to apply all of this alchemy to distinguish and treat the disease successfully.
If we compare this with the 7 Principles of Natural Law in the Hermetic tradition, we can clearly see the close relationship:
The principle of Mentalism
The principle of Correspondence
The principle of Vibration
The principle of Polarity
The principle of Rhythm
The principle of Cause and Effect
The principle of Gender
Hopefully, things are starting to become clear now.
If we dispense with the characteristics of the dielectric field (charge vs discharge, dielectric vs magnetic, centrifugal vs centripetal etc.) and replace it with charge carrying particles, which require abstract quantum math to understand, the Alchemy breaks down immediately, and we now have a purely materialist model, which makes the consideration of field theory unnecessarily complicated, just as Steinmetz, Tesla and others warned us. The scary thing is, way back in those days, he called it a "prehistoric conception". Almost 100 years later now, we're still burning oil, gas and coal, and using the same limited concepts.
Not saying we have to scarp General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics entirely, but in order for society at large to move forward, we may first need to move back and rediscover the Alchemical truth of our distant past

The original electrical science was largely being derived alchemically via natural philosophy, which at the time played an important part in the scientific method. We were nearing a golden age where physics and meta-physics could work hand-in-hand. That all changed around the turn of the last century. This (concept) doco is my art piece to make the point, that this is something very worthy of further investigation, it has great implications for the future of man kind.

Presenting a concept for a feature length documentary film.

The concept doco we've all been waiting for, delving deep into the hidden science of Dielectrics and our human Qi Energy, how it is gathered into our body and it's relationship to our environment according to the original science of Electricity rooted in Western Natural Philosophy and Alchemical principles, as it was in it's entirety before the madness of Quantum

If you are someone who is dedicated to taking this further, as an ethical scientific pilgrimage and pursuit for truth to turn this concept into a truly great documentary to be reckoned with, please get in touch.

Beyond the quality control and room for improvement, which is obviously important and never-ending, if watching this documentary at least prodded people to think:

"hmmm, perhaps this is of a little more importance and urgency for humanity to figure out and potentially even the solution to much of global conflict, than politics. Hmmm, if any of this doco is true, well then I guess in comparison this whole left vs right, conspiracy theories, demand for social justice etc. is all just a big distraction and a waster of time"

... Then it's a success

As I said to Ken L Wheeler, Author of the book Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism, where I learned much of the original Natural Philosophy interpretation of electricity ... I couldn't care less about chasing likes and views from people who would never be able to appreciate such a wonderful truth anyway. Simply making friends within the same niche as well as potentially benefiting humanity is much more rewarding.

Enjoy the concept!


Opening intro, undulating torus with cool doco style music -- Torus Fun (Sacred Geometry by ieoie) -- https://youtu.be/u0eOuxJX36g

non copyrighted - Matrix soundtrack - clubbed to death - Remake free at the end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=474766ZjpWo

Ken L Wheeler:
Book - Uncovering the missing Secrets of Magnetism https://archive.org/details/magnetism1small
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/kathodosdotcom


Cars and Coils Channel -->>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4TcX-mbR7waHjtDpewA_yw

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