Vietnam: Dau Tieng parade 2019

3 years ago

Dau Tieng is a small town in the rural part of Vietnam, I happened to be there during a Buddhist temple’s parade. Just a small local event, but it was fascinating to see. All of the locals around doing everything necessary to pull it off. You’ll see a lot of the same people because it just wasn’t that big.
It’s a 3 hour drive from Ho Chi Minh city, but it feels like another world. I’ve spent a lot of time in “small town America”. It was very refreshing to see a similar home town feel in Vietnam. I hope you enjoy.
Websites: (websites to include in the description if necessary)
Music: (include the name artist, and website if applicable, to give credit where credit is due)
I found DB Cooper Craig MacArthur 2:04
The old RV Craig MacArthur 2:20
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Half Measures Craig MacArthur 2:19
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