Women Lectors & Acolytes - MY WILL Be Done in Heaven as it is on Earth!

4 years ago

Pope Francis just fulfilled Step 1 in the Formal introduction of Women into Ecclesiastical Ministry which was outlines in the Final Document of the #AmazonSynod of 2019! Women will now be, through a LITURGICAL RITE, installed as Lectors and Acolytes in the FAKE Roman Rite - The #NovusOrdo. Step 2 will be the creation out of nothing of various "ministries" for both men and women. And Step 3 will be the "ordination" of women as "deacons". The demarcation between the #RealRomanRite and the #FakeRomanRite is getting clearer by the day. The time has come to make the choice between TRUE #Catholicism TRUE #Christianity and the Heretical Novelties of the New Ecclesiastical Order with its New Liturgical Order. We Remain CATHOLIC. We Remain in God's ONE Church. We will NOT cooperate with Evil but adhere to Tradition and Truth!

#LatinMass #Vatican #CatholicChurch

The False Church of The Amazon Synod https://youtu.be/SXihx7MIeWs
Female Deacons - Never Existed! https://youtu.be/XJLrCGmm3sQ

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