Now for something completely different - Plum Jam

3 years ago

Just me making some plum jam from the Plum trees in our garden. They always produce a lot of fruit and it’s not possible to eat them all fresh so we make some jam.

You need weight for weight Plums (stone removed) and sugar.
100ml water
1 Tbls lemon juice per Kg
A knob of unsalted butter (personal choice) does not change taste but helps with the frothing when boiling.

Stone the plums and put in a heavy bottom pot
Put on high heat
Add water
Bring to boil
Turn down and simmer for 30 -40 minutes or until plums are soft
Blend for extra smooth jam
Add sugar quarter at a time and stir thoroughly until dissolved
Bring to a rolling boil
Test with thermometer needs to reach 105C for 5mins to set
If you do not have a thermometer then you can do the plate test (see Google)
When ready sterilize 7 jam jars (for 2Kg) and pour jam in
Seal date and eat.
Hope you enjoy
Thanks for watching.

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