Fascinated Chickens discover snow for the first time

3 years ago

Now that it's winter the snow is finally here and with it being the first winter and holiday season Margo decided to see if the chickens wanted to experience the snow. They had been stuck in the coop for a few days due to bad weather, and so the chickens were also excited to have the freedom to roam around again. That day they watched the snow fall from the sky, but didn't quite know what it was as it was their first time seeing it. Margo went out and opened their door, and they ran out and stopped, they looked out, a few moments later they went out on their own free will and started to pluck the snowy grass from out of the ground and eat it. They started to realize that it wasn't so bad and then started to walk around and get a feel for these Canadian winters and what they will have to deal with every year during this cold season…Chickens aren't the smartest of birds either. Yes they know what their owners look like and their surroundings, but they don't really know that they will freeze outside if they spend a long time out there. They won't remember snow by next year though, as their brain isn't that big and does not have that kind of power to retain information like that. Come to find out they dont hate winter in southern Ontario and they like the snow

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