Apple peels are a tremendous benefit and adjunctive treatment for severe illnesses

4 years ago

Apple peel helps fight multiple sclerosis

When some people eat apples, they quickly get rid of their peel, given that there is no benefit from them, but a new study conducted by researchers at Thomson Jefferson University in Philadelphia, USA, revealed a fundamental role for apple peels in protecting the human body from a debilitating disease. Science Times, "Scientific.

The disease is multiple sclerosis, which leads to exhaustion of the body and damage to the membrane surrounding the nerves, and this damage leads to damage to the communication process between the brain and the rest of the body.

Ultimately, the damage to nerves may progress to an irreversible degree, according to the scientific Web site.

In the new study, which was an experiment on mice, the researchers discovered that apple peels contain a chemical compound that helps repair nerve cells and stops the spread of disease in the body.

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