Ryan Hartwig: Facebook Whistleblower on Election Fraud 12-23-2020

4 years ago

Dec 23, 2020 - During the Media Blackout, Fox News isn't reporting everything you need to know about #HunterBiden and #ElectionFraud. For example: When asked what was on Hunter's laptop, Rudy Giuliani said it was too horrible to say on TV when he was on Sean Hannity's show the last time. He hasn't been invited back since then.

The links to two BREAKING NEWS stories that are being suppressed by the media is in the page below. Listen very carefully. This is who will be occupying the Oval Office if President Trump doesn't have your FULL support by January 20, 2021.

#RyanHartwig - Facebook Whistleblower > https://twitter.com/realryanhartwig
Interview >https://rumble.com/vc7yn9-ryan-hartwig-facebook-whistleblower-on-election-fraud-12-23-2020.html

Matt Locke - Host of Matt Locke Show > https://twitter.com/realmattlocke
Interview > https://rumble.com/vc7xt9-matt-locke-on-election-fraud-12-23-2020.html

Korean Air (Part 1)
*This post was published on 12/25/2020
**Any sharing/copying of this story to other websites/blogs/platforms IS permissible**
Please email me at therealryanhartwig@gmail.com for any questions or for permission in writing.
Original interviewer was Stew Peters. @realstewpeters https://twitter.com/realstewpeters
(Original link) https://ryanhartwig.org/korean_air_part_1/

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