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15 seconds


4 years ago

I wanted to create a video specifically for The Digital Soldiers. I know some of these names no longer exist on Twitter, but this is their general names (unless I’m wrong and please correct me).
In order of appearance:
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @RudyGiuliani @JordanSather @SidneyPowell1 @dougmastriano @M2Madness @NeonRevolt @EntheosShines @CodeMonkeyZ @Solmemes1 @drefanzor @Will_of_Ockham @stridermemes @octomemes1 @Apoctoz @MAGADevilDog @resistthedonkey @WINTRELL77 @TheDilleyShow @BardsFM @WarRoomPandemic @JackMaxey1 @RaheemKassam @JustInformU @X22Report

This was my first video n OMG I have so much respect for all of these guys. This took me a week to put together. Scripting out the message, finding the content, getting it to drop on the beat, creating the embers and smoke, and adding POTUS Pepe and MOAB to the bomb before The Memer’s.

I host a show M-F on Periscope called the Digital Soldier Network at 3pm. Tomorrow 14 Dec 2020, I will break down how I made this as well as give you the weekend updates and the research I’m working on. I really believe this is one team, in one fight, against one common enemy. My only goal is to empower more of the sideliners to join the fight. All of us can do this. I created this entire video from free software and YouTube tutorials. You have a voice and I want you to know that you have permission to use it. We need all hands on deck. That’s why the tagline in my show is “Giving you the tools to join the fight”. Join us.



  • 0/2000
  • Global Red Wave

  • You forgot to add Patriot Soapbox Live 24/7.

  • Well done Sir.

  • Love it! Just found you. THX

  • Awesome, Patriots All !!

    1 like
  • Periscope is gone now. Isn't it?

    1 like
  • Excellent! 👏 🔥

    1 like
  • Very cool! Makes me proud! Nice work, soldier. o7

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  • This is a great viddie and I will share far and wide. Not to nit-pic, but where is Salty Cracker??? His army is LEGION! I can only speak for myself and those I've red pilled, - his podcast alone is responsible for our group waking up from MSM sheople sleeping pills. He is so in this fight, not doing it for monetization (although his arm of "mad lads" show him ALOT of love. He is so humble that even though this doesn't mention his contribution, he'd share it to inform his army of other places figting the good fight. Whom ever made this viddi has done the movement a great disservice in ignoing him and his army of berzerkers who btw has shut down many live events not on purrpose, but simply because the servers couldn't keep up with their enormous numbers. Hopefully this will get corrected. As Salty would say keep informed "The Salt Must Flow'. ReeEEEEeee!

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