Tikkun Olam It's Up To You

3 years ago

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God trusts us to repair a broken world. Whoa! It’s up to us. God trust us to be His hands and feet. Be Him… Love.

Tikkun Olam. A jewish concept defined by acts of kindness performed to perfect or repair the world. The phrase is found in the Mishnah, a body of classical rabbinic teachings.

This phrase is not a direct commandment from God, rather, it is an implied commandment. Do unto other as you would have them do unto you, love your neighbor like you love yourself, the only debt you owe is to love one another. These are the direct commandments that encompass this phrase.

The idea is, be the light and salt of The Most High. Help, true help (not the “hey look at me” help) others. Seek out, Search for, Hunt for those that need help.

Every day we as believers in Messiah Yeshua should make it a direct effort to impact someone's life for the better. Remember the 8 levels of Tzedakah. Also do the little things like, hold the door open for others, smile at people, (it’s amazing how much a smile will change others around you) complement the server on their job, (be legit don’t fake this, they’ll know).

The main objective is to do the good and right things to better those that you live life with however limited the interaction is. As entrepreneurs and Christians that is one of our main concerns of every day. Be the helping hand of God Almighty.

So today think of one thing you can do for someone that will help them out. Do this every day. Make a strong effort to look for those that need help. Big or small.

In doing this, as believers and entrepreneurs will be sowing seed into our future harvest. And don’t let this be the driving factor or you will burn out. Do this in hopes of those you interact with will see the light and love of Yeshua.

Live a life of “Tikkun Olam” and you will lead many to the Messiah Yeshua. And this is ultimate goal for our entrepreneurial endeavors.

Grateful To Share,
Remember We're Going Up!
Troy aka Pac

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