5 months ago

In Acts chapter 28 we are to consider not only Apostle Pauls journey but our own journey back to the promise land of GOD's paradise.
Do you really think you will be admitted into GOD's paradise without being tested like those before you?
They were afflicted with suffering and adversity and were so violently shaken that even the Prophets and Believers cried out "When will GOD's help come?"
GOD's help is always near as HE will never put more on you than you can handle.
GOD always gives you a way out and it is never for your convenience.
This flesh age is a short time of chastisement for correction.
GOD desires No Injustice to HIS creations.
GOD is fair.
There Will Be A Great And Permanent Separation Of People.
Each individual writes their own sentence. GOD will judge each case on its own merits.


There is nothing new under the sun as far as human character goes.
As it is written all these things are for examples for us in these end times.
Mankind has a 100% failure at governing ourselves.
GOD is governmental perfection.
No SugarCoated Bible Study Here.
Is there anything more important than where you go when you die?
There will be a great permanent separation of people.
If God allowed people with ideologies contrary to His back into the Kingdom of Heaven, it would be nothing more than a new Hell.
Observe how the Apostles never let phoney's disempower them.
Obsessive taunting creates an obscene mob-scene but we are never to lose our faith.
BEWARE of people that call themselves Christians. People drop that terminology on themselves to gain trust through false pretences.
"Show me your works and I'll see your faith"
We live in an era where telling the truth is the problem, not misinformation.
God has nothing to prove to us. We have everything to prove to God.
What is more important than where you go when you die?

Death in the original Biblical languages never denotes non-existence.
Spiritual life is a conscious existence in communion with God.

Spiritual death is a conscious existence separate from God in the nether parts of the earth where there is no praise or presence of God whatsoever.

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