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15 seconds

Mari's Theme (GH3K), arranged for synth, synth bass, three guitars, and two drum tracks

4 years ago

This is an original work I wrote in 1988 for a wiccan (obviously named "Mari") I was corresponding with; we discovered each other in the Fangoria classified section.

Back than, the cutting edge technology for at home recording was four track cassette. Some of my friends on facebook wanted to hear one of my original tunes, so I thought it might be fun to update it with digital technology. [Note: my facebook page no longer exists; I quit when I discovered Mark Zuckerberg contributed to steal the 2020 election and actively censored conservative voices.]

This 2019 version is arranged with three synth voices, including synth bass, three guitars, and two drum tracks. I was trying to evoke something "witchy" for my pen pal, and she was quite pleased with it.

Want more? Visit my soundcloud page and hear all the eclectic sounds I've been working on over the past 40 years in downloadable format at https://www.soundcloud.com/BigGreg3000.

Thanks for listening, and may inner peace be yours all-ways.