3 Financial BOMBS by Curtis Ray

3 years ago

Three Phases of Risk-Based Retirement Planning (401k, IRA, Index/Mutual Funds, Brokerage Accounts):

Accumulation Phase (Build) 10%
Tapering Off (Security) 4-8%
Distributions (Retirement Income) 4%

Three Phases of Secure-Based Retirement Planning (MPI)

Accumulation (Build) 6-8%
Acceleration (Leverage) 8-15%
Distributions (Retirement Income) up to 15%

This is one of the most important financial concepts you could ever learn. Retirement Income is not about how fast you start the race but how fast you finish the race.

The world will trick you into believing your rate of return is the most important part of an investment. It is the most exciting however if you build your retirement plan around risk-based Accumulation Phase only, you will find yourself very frustrated and confused when you get to Retirement! The 4% Rule will be your result!

Secure Compound Interest is the answer. Starts off slow. Builds a foundation first. Doesn't chase rate of return but rate of Compounding! Looks at the finish line and makes decisions today to achieve that goal. And the result... up to 15% Income!

When you are ready to learn how Secure Compounding is achieved and start building your best future, let me know. Time is not on your side. Time is the 1 asset, once lost, can never be replaced.

You can do this. You deserve financial freedom. You deserve wealth. It is available to anyone who can embrace the power of Compounding!

Always Be Compounding!

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