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Biden Lies

4 years ago

Joe Bidens lies go back a long time.
Here is one example

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Hi Wake_Hell -- you replied to me on "James Clapper Interrogation - 2" ( https://rumble.com/vdf4nn-james-clapper-interrogation-2.html ) and said "It's not Clapper. It's @JohnHeretohelp"... very cryptic. Anyway, I got the email saying you replied but can't find the reply itself online so I came here. So I found @JohnHeretohelp on Twitter but I still have no idea who he really is, much less any evidence he is the mystery voice. So please do elaborate - I don't want to spread misinformation and if it is not Clapper, I'll need to update https://yellings.com/vVote-Irregularities/conjectured-evidence/ Thanks

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