Wreck on the Hymasa

4 years ago

The Hymasa Trail is a two way single track alternative to the Amasa Back jeep trail, otherwise known as cliffhanger. It Ascends to the Amasa Back saddle and the downhill entrance to Captain Ahab. This trial is preferred for uphill traffic as the Amasa Back trail is busy with Jeeps and steep technical obstacles.

The Hymasa trail will take you through a desert adventure following blue lines across the slickrock when the dirt trail disappears. Home to 4 other trails and one jeep road you should take the rest of the way to the overlook, this area will challenge your technical riding and offer world class views.

Constructed in 2014, this 2.7 mile trail climbs 600 feet and did the job it was designed for and then some. The areas of impact along side the Jeep road are no longer tread upon and mountain bikers have a really fun trail to climb and descend when the time comes.

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