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Surviving in the wasteland.....

4 years ago

Stag talks about having or developing the skills to survive in the wasteland. He talks about learning the necessary skills, and tools to be able to survive in harsh environment of a wasteland. Most skills needed are the basic skills any hunter would have.

Learning to survive in a harsh environment is one of the toughest things to do in today's climate and reliance on technology. That is why we encourage you to learn these essential skills as well as learning basic first aid and field medicine.

Remember, living in the wastelands isn't just about shooting. Although having those skills is important, it is more important to have the necessary skills to survive for long periods. Knowing how to hunt, track and dress as well as prepare game is an important skill. Knowing how to construct an emergency shelter is also an important skill that is needed in the harsh environments.

Make no mistake, anyone can be a wastelander.

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Please consider donating to help us keep going and to make our dream of doing this full time come to life. We really appreciate you guys. and you really do mean the world to us. To donate to Tyler Casper and his family:

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Find him on twitter at: https://twitter.com/tyler_casper

And see his CashApp: $TylerTheGhostCasper