Poejo ( Mentha Pulegium ) serve para má digestão e resfriados

3 years ago

Before using this herbal medicine consult a specialist first.

Poejo (Mentha Pulegium) serves for poor digestion and colds

Poejo is a medicinal plant, also known as peppermint, widely used as a digestive and to fight colds and flu.

This plant is very aromatic and is often found in humid places, on the banks of rivers or streams. The pennyroyal has an intense and penetrating aroma, as it is astringent, contracts the tissues and tends to dry the mucous membranes, when in contact with the mouth it can produce a feeling of roughness.

Its scientific name is Mentha Pulegium and can be purchased at health food stores, street markets or handling pharmacies.

The penny serves to:

The pennyroyal is used to fight the flu and the cold, cough, lack of appetite, poor digestion, heartburn, gas, intestinal colic, runny nose, phlegm, bronchitis, asthma, intestinal worms, fever, delayed menstruation.

Properties of pennyroyal:

The properties of pennyroyal include its digestive, stimulating, stomach tonic, sweating, astringent, emenagogue, febrifugal, expectorant, carminative and vermifuge properties.

Side effects of pennyroyal:

Side effects include abortion and respiratory arrest when consumed in excess.

When pennyroyal should not be used:

Pennyroyal is contraindicated for children under 12 and pregnant.

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