4 years ago

Willie P. Openshaw

On Thursday, September 17, 2020, at around 12:05 in the afternoon, Officer Molina with the Corrigan Police Department stopped a pickup that was passing through Corrigan. The driver, A.D. Hollowell, of Indiana, was driving 70 in a 55. Body cam footage shows that initially, Hollowell was cooperative with Officer Molina. Molina took Hollowell's driver's license and returned to his unit to run it. After a couple of minutes, Molina stepped out of his unit only to find Hollowell standing nearby. Molina ordered Hollowell to step away from the roadway (for his own safety). Hollowell immediately raised his voice at Molina and accused him multiple times of harrassment. As things continued, a civilian, Mr. Lowe (Mayor Johnna Lowe's dad) came walking up. Johnna saw her dad and out of concern for her dad, she entered the picture. During this time, Hollowell continued to speak in an elevated angry voice. Additionally, Corrigan Police Chief, Darrell Gibson arrived on the scene. Mr. Lowe asked Molina if he needed help. Molina indicated he was just fine. Mr. Lowe stood in front of Hollowell and advised him to be quiet. Mr. Lowe was backed off by Johnna and the police. That's about the height of this situation. Nothing racial was ever mentioned. The police did their jobs properly. They were never rude to Hollowell (even though Hollowell was constantly talking down on them). Hollowell was issued a speeding citation and moved on.

Is this even an "incident"? On Hollowell's Facebook, he was calling for protests of the racist police. Really? How was ANYTHING that transpired "racial"? Hollowell showed up in Corrigan on Tuesday with upwards to 20 supporters. Thank God for the body cam footage. On Hollowell's Facebook, he openly admits to having served prison time. He appears to be an angry guy with a chip on his shoulder. Reality check: Nobody did anything to A.D. Hollowell. Nobody laid a finger on him. An elderly man was a little rude with Hollowell. BIG WOOP.

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